How to Adjust Screen Brightness Samsung Galaxy S10 or S10 Plus

By | September 10, 2022

The display screen also has several options that can be adjusted, including the screen brightness.

The screen can be set from low brightness to high brightness depending on how much light there is.

For example, in a dark room, the brightness can be set to low as the screen will be easier to see.

Likewise, if there is lots of light, the brightness can be set higher since the screen will be harder to see.

With the steps below, you will learn how to Adjust Screen Brightness to Samsung Galaxy S10 or S10 Plus.

Adjusting the screen brightness helps greatly for viability when reading or other tasks.

How to Change Screen Brightness Samsung Galaxy S10/S10 Plus

  1. From the top pull down and go to Settings.
  2. From Settings click on Display Option
  3. From display option you can turn on brightness and adjust it.
  4. There is also Adaptive Brightness this is automatically adjust the brightness based on your usage.

The Samsung Galaxy S10 is a very good Android smartphone with many options and features.

Adjusting the Samsung Galaxy S10 screen for more brightness is quick and easy to do.

Pulling down from the top of the menu is the quickest method, but there are more options in Settings.

One such option is Adaptive Brightness, which can automatically adjust the brightness based on how you use the smartphone.

For example, if you go to sleep at a certain time and turn off all the lights, the Galaxy S10 will see this and adjust the screen automatically.

It will do the same when it is time to wake up and adjust the screen brighter,

This, of course, is based on patterns that a person may or may not have.

If you have no pattern for Adaptive Brightness setting the option manually would be the best method.

Have you had any issues adjusting the brightness on the Galaxy S10 screen? Let us know the problems in the comments below.