How To Enable or Disable Music Share Samsung Galaxy

By | February 20, 2024

The Samsung Galaxy series of smartphones has many nice features and option with on such option called Music Share.

Music Share allows others to have access to a Bluetooth music system and share songs.

This includes the Galaxy S20, S21, S22, and S23 Samsung Galaxy smartphones.

What is Samsung Music Share?

Samsung Music Share is an option to let friends and family play music on your Bluetooth speakers.

If you already have a Bluetooth speaker setup to play music, others can connect to your smartphone and play music as well.

This can be a good option when you want to allow others to play music on your Bluetooth music system.

With the steps below, you will learn how to Enable or Disable Music Sharing with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

How to Enable or Disable Music Share Samsung Galaxy S20 or S20 Plus

  1. From the top pull down and go to Settings
  2. .

  3. Click on the Connections Option
  4. Click on Bluetooth
  5. Click on at the top right of menu button (Three Dots)
  6. Click where it says Advanced
  7. Click the Music Share option and switch it to on